Weather in Manilva

Manilva enjoys a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and abundant sunshine throughout the year. This climate is typical of the Costa del Sol, making it a popular destination for tourists seeking sun and warmth.

Summer (June to September)

Summers in Manilva are hot and dry, with temperatures often soaring above 30°C (86°F). The peak summer months of July and August can see temperatures reaching up to 35°C (95°F). Despite the heat, the proximity to the Mediterranean Sea provides a refreshing breeze, making the summer days more bearable. The long, sunny days are perfect for beach outings, water sports, and exploring the beautiful coastline.

Autumn (October to November)

Autumn brings a gradual cooling, with temperatures ranging between 18°C (64°F) and 25°C (77°F). This season is ideal for outdoor activities, such as hiking and vineyard tours, as the weather remains pleasant and the summer crowds start to dwindle. Rainfall starts to increase slightly in autumn, but it is usually short-lived and does not significantly impact outdoor plans.

Winter (December to February)

Winters in Manilva are mild compared to other European destinations. Temperatures typically range from 10°C (50°F) to 18°C (64°F). Frost and snow are extremely rare, making Manilva an attractive winter escape for those looking to avoid harsh cold weather. Rainfall is more common during the winter months, but there are still plenty of sunny days.

Spring (March to May)

The weather in springtime in Manilva is delightful and a great time to visit , with temperatures warming up to between 15°C (59°F) and 25°C (77°F). The landscape comes alive with blooming flowers and lush greenery, offering a perfect backdrop for outdoor adventures. The weather is comfortably warm, and the sea temperature begins to rise, making it a great time for beach activities.

Air Quality in Manilva

Air quality is an important consideration for both residents and visitors. Manilva generally boasts good air quality, thanks to its coastal location and the prevalent sea breezes that help disperse pollutants.

Factors Affecting Air Quality

  1. Proximity to the Sea: The Mediterranean Sea plays a crucial role in maintaining clean air in Manilva. The sea breeze helps to reduce the concentration of airborne pollutants, ensuring fresher and cleaner air.
  2. Low Industrial Activity: Unlike larger cities, Manilva has minimal industrial activity, which contributes to lower levels of pollution. The primary sources of emissions are vehicular traffic and occasional agricultural activities, but these are relatively minor compared to industrial emissions.
  3. Green Spaces: The abundance of vineyards, parks, and natural landscapes around Manilva helps to improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

Monitoring Air Quality

While the air quality in Manilva is generally good, it is always wise to stay informed. Various online resources and mobile apps provide real-time air quality indexes (AQI), allowing you to monitor pollution levels and make informed decisions about outdoor activities, especially if you have respiratory conditions or allergies.


Manilva, with its enviable weather and clean air, is a wonderful destination on the Costa del Sol. Whether you are basking in the summer sun, exploring the vibrant spring landscapes, or enjoying the mild winters, Manilva offers a pleasant and healthy environment year-round. So, if you are planning your next getaway to Malaga, Spain, don’t miss out on the charm and tranquillity that Manilva has to offer.