Summer is here and that means it’s feria time in Andalucia. Here in Manilva, the feria programme has just been announced and there’s lots to look forward to, so we wanted to give you the lowdown on what to expect and what not to miss.

Remember that Manilva covers the areas of Manilva Pueblo, Duquesa, Castillo and Sabinillas and there’s plenty going on in each area to enjoy. To find out more about this great area, check out our Manilva area guide.

Virgen del Carmen – Castillo de la Duquesa and Sabinillas

The first date for your diary is Saturday 13th of July, where there’s the build up to the main day on Tuesday, with some games for kids in Plaza Miramar at 11am. That’s followed by a “moraga” lunch at 13.00 where you can enjoy some traditional fish cooked espeto style in the Parque de Huerto. In the evening there will be live music at 18.00 followed by the crowning of the carnival Queens and Princesses in the Parque del Huerto.

But that was just the warm-up act! On Tuesday 16th of July, we celebrate the Patron Saint of Sailors Virgin de la Carmen in both Castillo and Sabinillas.

In Castillo, there’s the traditional mass at 18.30 in the church and then a procession through the streets to Duquesa Port, where the statue of the virgin will be taken out to sea on a boat and joined by lots of other boats too. Following this, head to the Parque del Huerto, near the castle, for live music from the group Kalima.

In Sabinillas also on the 16th of July, mass is at midday, followed by the crowing of the carnival queens and princesses at 13.00. Then at 19.00, the statue will leave the church and head down to the sea and along the seafront. At 22.00 there will also be live music, so there’s plenty to choose from.

If you’d like to call this area home and be at the centre of all the action, browse properties in Duquesa

Fiestas Patronales Santa Ana – Manilva Village 26/07

We celebrate the patron saint of Manilva on the 26th of July, up in the village. The fun kicks off with musicians walking the streets from 8am, to get everyone moving. Then there’s mass at 19.30 in the main Manilva church, and the statue of Saint Anna will be taken around the streets and accompanied by the town band. There’s then music from 22.00 in Calle Mar, with three groups taking to the stage and a great atmosphere.

August Feria Manilva

August Feria

The fun carries on into August, with nearly a week of celebrations in the main fairground in Sabinillas, where the Sunday market is held. There’s a funfair, food stalls, live music and flamenco and the whole of Manilva, Sabinillas and Castillo get together to party. Expect an assault on the senses, with loud music, flashing lights and dancing and drinking through the night.

It all begins on Wednesday 7th of August, with the opening of the fairground rides from 21.00. This first day is known as the “Kids’ Day” and all the rides are 1.50€, so if you’re here with kids, this is definitely the day to go. The lights go on at 22.30, when they officially open the feria and have speeches, crown the Kings, Queens and Princesses of the feria and the music starts.

There are two areas for music and dancing. One with live music and one with DJs for the youngsters. The “Caseta Municipal” which is the area with live music from the Town Hall opens at 21.00 to very, very late and the Caseta de Juventud, for youngsters between 12 and 16 years old is open between 22.00 and 01.00 between the 7th and the 11th of August.

Live music is the order of the day for the rest of the nights as well with performances at 22.30 and midnight and 2am on Thursday 8th, Friday 9th, Saturday 10th and the final day, Sunday 11th August.

Highlights for families are the children’s musical Disnemania on Friday 9th of August at 21.30 in the Caseta Municipal, the rides every evening and also the parades through the streets of Manilva at 20.00 on the Saturday and through the streets of Castillo and Sabinillas on the Sunday from 19.30.

The key to enjoying these festivities is to have a siesta during the day, get there late and stay as long as you can, as the energy and fun ramps up to the early hours!

San Luis de Sabinillas Fair 25/08

Sabinillas has its own fair to honour the patron saint from which the town gets its name on Sunday 25th of August. Just like in Manilva, musicians will go through the streets to wake the town up from 8am and then in the evening there’s a mass in the church at 20.00 before the parading of the saint’s statues through the streets, accompanied by the town band. To finish things off, there’s live music in the main square Plaza Vicente Espinel from 22.30.

Browse properties in Sabinillas on our website.

Vendimia Manilva

© Peter Whitham

Vendimia 31/08-01/09

The feria season comes to a close with a bang at the Vendimia up in Manilva Village. This is also known as the Manilva Wine Festival and is a harvest festival, the likes of which you’ve never seen. This is a time when thousands descend on the typically sleepy Manilva Village for two days of partying, music and the traditional crushing of the grapes to celebrate the harvest.

Check out our guide to the Manilva Wine Festival for everything you need to know about this important local event.

This year it starts with a mass at the church at 19.30 and the traditional procession around the town. Then there’s a competition to find the heaviest bunch of grapes.

The music gets under way at 22.30 in the Vendimia Square and continues late into the night.

Sunday is the big day of the festival! Starting at 13.00 there’s the day feria opening in the main street of Calle Mar and a procession on horseback through the street at 13.30. The music begins at 14.00 in Calle Mar, with different groups playing, and the whole village dancing, drinking, eating and having fun. For the youngsters, there’s also DJs playing in the Vendimia Square from 16.00.

The highlight of the celebration takes place at the Vendimia Square at 19.00 for the crushing of the grapes and the tasting of the first press of Manilva wine. This is a real spectacle, and definitely worth seeing.

Then there’s more music to bring the festival to a close, from 21.30 to late.

This is certainly a place that knows how to party and if you’re visiting over the summer, or are lucky enough to live here all year round, there’s plenty of fun to be had. Browse properties in Manilva or contact us if you’d like to view properties in Manilva and find out how you could call this wonderful place home.